Another project amp . . .


Enlightened Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Pacific Northwest US
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that I don't have time to fiddle with. I can't wait to be a true geezer, so I can spend my time tinkering with toys! To quote myself from another post, this was . . .

"successfully secured by trading a bunch of collectible toys given to me by a friend who was moving. I, having no interest in such lovelies as a "new-in-box Speed Racer Captain Terror" or "mint condition The Rock bobble head," opted to gladly swap the bundle for the Gibson Scout.

Interesting little amp--three knobs for volume, reverb, and tremelo--no eq. Stripped of tolex, robbed of the reverb unit, original CTS speaker, missing a few tubes, and some unknown mods to the inputs, including an added toggle switch. Fortunately the footswitch was present. Tube lineup is a 12AX7, two 6EU7s, two 6AQ5s, and a 6CA4. It'll proabably be on the back burner, yet it's the one I would feel most comfortable messing with."

Some quick pics. Interesting reviews on harmony-central. Haven't had time to look up transformer numbers yet to date it. Speaker code covered by Gibson sticker (foo!) Prolly a CTS--begins with 137. Grill cloth probably not original, but it could be if the tolex was brown. As mentioned, I feel I can fiddle under the hood with impunity on this one. No guilt if I bungle a little. Smells like a cheap smoky motel room, and very apparent mod goofiness. It should have two inputs, but there are now three. Original power switch has been changed, and an extra toggle has been added. Original two-pronger.

Someone please send me an aupair, so I can mess with this!







Gone But Not Forgotten
Gone But Not Forgotten
Nov 29, 2006
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Gonna be fun! I have a used Gibson reverb can free to good home - needs a little clean-'em-up and some phosphoric acid to renew the galvanized coating. Something funky with the two extra wires terminated on the OT wiring strip...two for the speaker ... the others...? More fun when mod-maker leaves behind some trace of what he was trying to do; see link below from SugarMountain's post; article has some discussion about bypass vol/tone controls ... who knows ...

Good luck! cj


Enlightened Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Pacific Northwest US
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capnjuan said:
Gonna be fun! I have a used Gibson reverb can free to good home - needs a little clean-'em-up and some phosphoric acid to renew the galvanized coating. Something funky with the two extra wires terminated in the OT wiring strip...two for the speaker ... the others...? More fun when mod-maker leaves behind some trace of what he was trying to do; see link below from SugarMountain's post; article has some discussion about bypass vol/tone controls ... who knows ...

Good luck! cj ... _Proof.pdf
Thanks capn. I may take you up on it when I do finally get into it--who knows when that'll be. Link above didn't work.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Gone But Not Forgotten
Nov 29, 2006
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capnjuan said:
Wasn't reading carefully; article discussing 'Old Black' which I took to be either a dead horse or an amp; neither, talking about vol/tone bypass switch on guitar. See also page 16; Tonequest is 're-issuing' the Martin / Dearmond 1X12 like Don's. Some discussion of a beater version; wondering if it was the 2nd copy of the Martin on eBay a couple months ago that did $ poorly.

Regards, cj


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
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Ashcroft, BC, Canada
jp said:
I can't wait to be a true geezer, so I can spend my time tinkering with toys!

Now just a minute there young'un. There's some of us here as is true and verifiable geezers, and we've not yet run across that mother lode of open time to which you make such free and easy reference. Don't you go implying that our geezerhood is less than "true", just because we still have to work for a living like the rest of you pups.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Gone But Not Forgotten
Nov 29, 2006
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john_kidder said:
jp said:
I can't wait to be a true geezer, so I can spend my time tinkering with toys!
Now just a minute there young'un. There's some of us here as is true and verifiable geezers, and we've not yet run across that mother lode of open time to which you make such free and easy reference. Don't you go implying that our geezerhood is less than "true", just because we still have to work for a living like the rest of you pups.
Easy on the geezer-in-training John; IIRC JP has young'uns at the ranch ... methinks s'what he's getting at. I've ragged the Esteban out of him about his gear gathering dust - you may recall his Cheese days and all the lesser George Jetson JPs appearing in his avatar. That or he's really being surly .... :evil: He may be confusing us geezers with those geezers who call getting the oil changed at mid-morning something to do for the day...


Enlightened Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Pacific Northwest US
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capnjuan said:
john_kidder said:
jp said:
I can't wait to be a true geezer, so I can spend my time tinkering with toys!
Now just a minute there young'un. There's some of us here as is true and verifiable geezers, and we've not yet run across that mother lode of open time to which you make such free and easy reference. Don't you go implying that our geezerhood is less than "true", just because we still have to work for a living like the rest of you pups.
Easy on the geezer-in-training John; IIRC JP has young'uns at the ranch ... methinks s'what he's getting at. I've ragged the Esteban out of him about his gear gathering dust - you may recall his Cheese days and all the lesser George Jetson JPs appearing in his avatar. That or he's really being surly .... :evil: He may be confusing us geezers with those geezers who call getting the oil changed at mid-morning something to do for the day...
So true so true. Oldest is 7 soon 8 and the youngest is 4 soon 5. Boundless energy, up at 5:30 am every morning, and demanding endless Papa time. I realize that these golden moments soon shall pass, and soon they'll be too embarrassed to be seen with me. Therfore, I indulge them with every free moment I have. We strive to raise them without such new-fangled "electronic babysitters" as is so common nowadays. This, of course, is more demanding of us, but results are immediately apparent. My oldest helps cook dinner every night (a budding gourmand), knows his way around tools, and builds LEGO creations that even WOW my mechanical engineer father. My youngest is happy plunking around on our piano for two hours straight.

And as for that carrot of geezerdom free time which I so dutifully grind towards every day, I do realize that it may be a fleeting pipe dream. The grandparents are often just as overloaded as we are. I stand rightfully corrected. I know that we Guildies are an industrious lot. :D


Gone But Not Forgotten
Gone But Not Forgotten
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Pretty much how it went / is going / will go for nearly all of us; two kids came w/ my wife in a blister-pack. I put my F412 down to be a part of their lives .... has to be done. :wink:
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