Life's Little instructions


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2011
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South Florida
H. Jackson Brown Jr. wrote a book called Life's Little instruction Book 15-20 years ago. I keep a 12" x 36" poster of an excerpt on a wall in my home that I read on occasion. I need to read it more often.

Sing in the shower. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated. Watch a sunrise at least once a year. Leave the toilet seat in the down position. Never refuse homemade brownies. Strive for excellence, not for perfection. Plant a tree on your birthday. Learn three clean jokes. Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank filled. Compliment three people everyday. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them. Leave everything a little better than you found it. Keep it simple. Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. Floss your teeth. Ask for a raise when you feel you've earned it. Be forgiving of yourself and others. Over tip breakfast waitresses. Say "thank-you" a lot. Say "please" a lot. Avoid negative people. Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards. Wear polished shoes. Remember other people's birthdays. Commit yourself to constant improvement. Carry jumper cables in your trunk. Have a firm handshake. Send lots of Valentines Day cards and sign them "Someone who thinks you're terrific." Look people in the eye. Be the first to say hello. Use the good silver. Return all things you borrow. Make new friends but cherish the old ones. Keep secrets. Sing in a choir. Plant flowers every spring. Have a dog. Always accept an outstretched hand. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life. Wave at kids on school buses. be there when people need you. Feed a stranger's expired parking meter. Don't expect life to be fair. Never underestimate the power of love. Drink champagne for no reason at all. Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation. Don't be afraid to say "I made a mistake." Don't be afraid to say "I don't know." Compliment even small improvements. Keep your promises (no matter what). Marry only for love. Rekindle old friendships. Count your blessings. Call your mother.

I love the meaningful statements like "strive for excellence, not perfection" and then he follows with "carry jumper cables in your trunk" and "over tip breakfast waitresses."


Gone But Not Forgotten
Gone But Not Forgotten
Jun 15, 2005
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Grand Rapids, MI
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A couple years ago I made a car emergency kit for each of my kids' cars, including a set of jumper cables. I'm glad that made the list :D