Need To Woodshed Some ABB


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2009
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I pulled the proverbial trigger on the Roots ROck Revival music camp thing in NY's Catskills. Opted for their "set up" tent with air conditioning and power outlets option and at $1,440.00 I think it's a great value for 4 days of jamming and instruction with the likes of Oteil Burbridge, Luther Dickerson, Eric Krasnow, Amy Helm and more. Reading up on it, it is a bit more Allman Bros. focused than I am...more of a Dead and just folkin' rock guy. There will a lot of Dead tunes being played as well and that is right in my wheelhouse. Watching a video from a past one, Oteil and some players did an interesting transition from China Cat Sunflower into Blue Sky.

But I learned that this Musicmasters Collective runs all kinds of seminars at this little mountain enclave all sumer. There's one for fingerstyle and jazz with Martin Taylor. One for songwriter with Steve Earl and Shawn Colvin and Anders Osborne. Anders is weird in this mix because all his songs sound like a Neal Young song with one chord changed. One focused on David Bowie with Adrian Belew,A folky one, An alternative rock guitar one. A The Band one with The Weight Band... All are very similar in price.

If interested: