CV-1 Contemporary fret board repair


Enlightened Member
Apr 19, 2015
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update stared at the guitar some more took the neck off again stared more no alcohol involved . Even though I'm getting older I can see a crack or a out of plumb wall from a mile away once I see it it's locked in if I walk a way and come back a year later I will hone in on the very spot LOL

So what I see is mostly nit picking because I'm not sure how hard they look at stuff when it's production runs . So heres what I have the corners where the fret board leaves the heal have a radius to them then a lets say 90* cut, it does not match the body bevels and it can interfere with how the fretboard sits across the top. it sit bad ? no not really I just see it ... on both sides.

The next thing is the fret board has a twist to it ... The whole thing you might ask ? Nope just the high E side towards the sound hole and yup that means over the Top! hahahaha ... is it bad you ask ? Nope I just see it !

The fret board hump ... wait !? you meant body hump right ? Yes I mean both ! yup that's right both have the hump . Right at the 15th fret area on are lucky High E side we get a slight rise . Can it be fixed yeah but is it worth it ... heck no! if the guitar did not have the composite rails under the fret board it may could have been pulled in but in this case it's like bending a brick I don't think the top stands a chance to straighten that out LMAO ..... is it bad ? nope I just see it !

I now have more Checks in the body's NCL then before and there for now I totally dislike NCL where a preferably professionally applied coat of Poly would in my case make sense and as far as that goes I wish I had two of the same models one with poly one NCL to compare tones. I doubt there be much difference ... Hey there's that cliff again !

I guess I'm realizing I can't watch a guitar 24/7 to prevent the checking and some how buying a guitar thats cost X amount of money is one I want to stay looking good not turn out like my wifes crackle glass ware ! but that's just me so lets move on.

Bridge pins Yup mentioned them before ... I have no doubt what so ever that this is the same person who drilled the holes in my Blueridge may you be transferred to the pallet division for all eternity ! ok so thats a little harsh ... for a very very very very long time !

The bridge pins have a nice canter to them leaning forward ( mortar's fire in the hole ! Toom ! ) maybe the bridge side up a bit not sure but the Holes ! My God man the Holes ! Low E measures 0.226 (Top) actually they all kind of do the counter sink is what changes . The bottom opening is 0.200 .. so I guess someone borrowed the rime tool and all they had was a 13/64ths drill bit ... makes sense that's what I would have done .......

So I have some over sized pins coming in a 5* taper instead the 3* that should of fit :angry: The 175.00 buck pins will now reside on my Blueridge

The news pins will be bone in a darkish amber with wood inlays if they work .. finger crossed

Lastly I oiled the neck and bridge with used motor oil really darkened it up kind of like a good stain but moisturizes too it looked dry and it soaked it up pretty good so I'm putting another coat on .

other then that I did the last sand and neck set and I'll string her back up tonight .... I do have new frets in mind as these look like beautiful vast mountain plateau's but I'm no hurry for this bill as this has set me back enough , though I may do the fret job myself as well but I have a custom Native flute on order to pay for so.... :)

Yes ! I'm done Yaaaaaaaaaaay Beer time !
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Reverential Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Sillycon Valley CA
Lastly I oiled the neck and bridge with used motor oil really darkened it up kind of like a good stain but moisturizes too it looked dry and it soaked it up pretty good so I'm putting another coat on .
But...isn't that stuff chock full of silicons? :eek:


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2013
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Charlottesville, VA
Al, Al, Al. It is Ray's guitar, to slather, sand, and otherwise obsess over as he wishes.

Ray, I love taking this trip with you!


Enlightened Member
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Al, Al, Al. It is Ray's guitar, to slather, sand, and otherwise obsess over as he wishes.

Ray, I love taking this trip with you!
Me to but alas ... Well maybe if we took mopeds .... :(


Enlightened Member
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Here are the final neck fretboard pics . My last adjustments are to my liking no more work on it less fret job down the Rd last thing to do is the oversized bridge pins .

Fret board and bridge oiled up .



Final fret board pics






Enlightened Member
Sep 6, 2014
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Just read through this whole thread and wow! Sorry you still have those gaps between the fretboard extension and body at the "Hump" areas. If it sounds good it shouldn't be that big of a deal but I know you put a lot of time into straightening those out. I'm the same way about something being perfectly functional but not good enough to my standards so I definitely feel where you are coming from. All of these issues that you are having with trying to get the neck properly fit may be a big reason Fender and Guild decided to scrap that Composite neck joint design and B-stock a lot of these models. Keep plugging away on it brother and don't give up the good fight! You really wanted this one to tinker with any way right? As long as you get it where you want it this is a win no matter what.:peach:

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Enlightened Member
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Just read through this whole thread and wow! Sorry you still have those gaps between the fretboard extension and body at the "Hump" areas. If it sounds good it shouldn't be that big of a deal but I know you put a lot of time into straightening those out. I'm the same way about something being perfectly functional but not good enough to my standards so I definitely feel where you are coming from. All of these issues that you are having with trying to get the neck properly fit may be a big reason Fender and Guild decided to scrap that Composite neck joint design and B-stock a lot of these models. Keep plugging away on it brother and don't give up the good fight! You really wanted this one to tinker with any way right? As long as you get it where you want it this is a win no matter what.:peach:


Man sorry Tx I must of missed these replies or just forgot about them :(

I'm very happy with the way it turned out she sounds pretty darn good and I think I did a pretty good job of blending it all together .

I was thinking of selling her and the f212 to push funds to my custom build but I really don't see the point since I enjoy playing them both .

Ray, if you're happy now, then I'm happy. :encouragement:

Yes sir , I've always been anal about workmanship a carry over from pops who was a contractor and my drafting and architecture classes back in the day most my jobs where hands on building stuff and install work etc ; so I can a nats poo on the wall from a thousand paces or a crack or out of plumb wall or floor blah blah lol working on my deck ticks me off because I'm so up tight about getting right only to learn there's no chance in heck with the poor quality of wood from home building stores heck they even cut the boards stright !

Ok went on to much lol thanks bud ;)

You guys been tradin' meds again?

Yes ! Yes we are ! Opioids make the world a beautiful place ... Then they wear off ! Lol


Enlightened Member
Apr 19, 2015
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Where you been AT, Ray?
I'm around just out things to post about here but I still read the new threads if it seems interesting ;)

Mostly I'm hovering around in AGF as they have acoustic build threads and more decisions on wood combos also show and tell some really good players post tunes but I only view the original ones with the exception of a few players
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